Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick Or Treat!

Happy Halloween/First Day of November Everyone!

Matt and I made it through Hurricane Sandy without power loss, or any significant damage; however, there are a couple leaks in our building. The hurricane victims in NJ and NY will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

During the days indoors and the Federal gov't shut down, Matt and I got a slight case of cabin fever. Fortunately  our neighbor let us barrow some DVDs, and many stores were open on Tuesday. We love our trips to Whole Foods! Matt always says, "they make grocery shopping exciting"! But here's a photo of what we did for most of the storm...

Despite the recent storm, treat-or-treaters were out in full force last night. We ran out of candy in 30 minutes! Here are a few shots from the night. Can you guess who I was?

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