Friday, October 26, 2012


The Marine Corps Marathon is this weekend, that's 16.2 miles more than the race I ran last weekend- the Army 10 Miler (ATM). I love running, but it's difficult to imagine running thaaaat long. Perhaps one day I will attempt a marathon. The Marine Corps is apparently a good choice for first time marathoners; the news reported that over 11,000 of the runners will be first timers this year. Plus, the DC race has always had significance for me because my aunt ran it several times while she lived in DC. Here is a photo of her as a first time marathoner.

The Army 10 Miler was a great experience. Matt and Rex were waiting patiently for me to run by at the 3 and 5 mile mark, but we missed each other. I was actually running faster than predicted. Here are a few photos he took of the mass of runners.

I'd really like to train for another triathlon, but it's hard to stay committed without a training group or buddy. If anyone is interested, let me know! 

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